Prophy Angles and Pastes
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Inside Dental Hygiene (IDH): What considerations are key when selecting prophy angles?
Jessica Atkinson, MEd, BSDH, RDH: I look for a different level of stiffness in the cup; if it is too stiff, you cannot flare that cup underneath the gingival margin. I also have used a prophy cup that has pumice embedded in it, but I was not able to get the surface-area coverage that I can with a more pliable cup.
Shelley Brown, MEd, BSDH, RDH: Some prophy angles are a bit more ergonomic, with more of a bend or an angle. A few include a splatter guard, which costs more but saves a lot of time.
IDH: What do you look for in a prophy paste?
Atkinson: I want the lowest level of grit for the efficacy of what I am doing. I always start with selective polishing; I evaluate the stain, as most can be removed with a fine polish, depending on your technique. I also want a consistency that does not crumble when I load it in the cup, before I get to the tooth.
IDH: How important is the composition of the prophy paste?
Brown: Using a fluoride-containing paste is important because polishing removes tooth structure. If you polish without a fluoride-containing paste, it is recommended that you apply a fluoride varnish afterward, but many adult patients do not want that because it costs more. Also, even if you have a fine paste, you should be using it only on enamel. It should not be used on crowns, newly erupted teeth, root surfaces, or any areas that are demineralized.
ACCLEAN® Prophy Paste with TCP
ACCLEAN® Prophy Paste with TCP provides excellent stain removal and polishing. It can enhance fluoride activity with the addition of tri-calcium phosphate, which may help enhance remineralization and prevent demineralization. This prophy paste is a splatter-free formula and rinses easily and completely. Available in a large selection of grits and flavors. • 800-372-4346
ProPaste™ One
The ProPaste™ One is a two-in-one, pre-assembled, disposable prophy ring and anti-splatter paste combo. This combination eliminates the need to autoclave or sanitize a prophy ring for the next patient. Each ring has an ideal amount of desensitizing and anti-splatter prophy paste for each procedure. • 909-839-0888