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ACCLEAN™ Professional Dissolvable Teeth Whitening Strips
ACCLEAN™ Professional Dissolvable Teeth Whitening Strips can be used for quick treatments anytime, anywhere. The dissolvable strips feature a professional strength 10% hydrogen peroxide formula and a mint flavor to leave mouths feeling refreshed. No chair time is required for this stand-alone or touch-up treatment.
Lead Your Ship
Navigating the waters of dentistry from chairside and beyond can be challenging. An interactive, focused experience is designed for individuals and teams who are serious about developing personally and professionally. Creative Ventures welcomes you aboard on your personalized journey to compress decades into days. CEO and captain Tracy Anderson Butler, CRDH, MFT, shares proven concepts and strategies to propel your life and career. We can go further together, she says.
ProBiora Kids®
ProBioraKids® features ProBiora3®, a patented blend of three beneficial strains of good bacteria naturally found in the mouth that live on kids' teeth and below their gums. Formulated for tooth health, ProBioraKids naturally fills the mouth with the beneficial bacteria it needs for healthier teeth, crowding out harmful, pathogenic bacteria and restoring the mouth's natural balance.