Inside Dental Hygiene offers essential insights on preventive care, patient education, and the latest hygiene techniques, with articles, videos, and expert guidance.
1. Effective. Get teeth precisely into position, not just kind of into position, in as little as 3 to 6 months.
2. Comfortable. Uses a three-layer design for optimal balance of strength and elasticity-for constant teeth-moving forces.
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3. Convenient. Intuitive online user portal will fit seamlessly into your practice protocol and does not require any additional equipment.
4. Affordable. Competitively priced against other leading brands to make it more affordable for patients to help improve their oral health.
5. Innovative. Cutting-edge 3D Carbon printing technology for precision fit, superior quality, and fast turn-around requests.
With increased demand for aesthetics and more comfortable aligners, OraFit delivers the latest wave of innovation in clear aligner technology. OraFit uses a unique, three-layer design to deliver superior* strength and crack resistance, stress retention and distribution, durability, clarity, and comfort.
*In a study comparison with Essix®, Taglus®, and Zendura™. (Keller KJ. Stress Relaxation in Orthodontic Aligner Plastics: an In Vitro Comparison Study. Master's thesis. University of Nebraska Medical Center; 2020. Accessed October 18, 2021. https://digitalcommons.unmc.edu/etd/504)
The OraFit Process:
• Treatment plan 24-48 hours
• Production 5-10 days
• Delivery 2-5 days
hcp.myorafit.com • 866-273-7846