Joanne Sciandra, RDH
Joanne Sciandra, RDH, is a faculty member for The Dawson Academy and a practicing dental hygienist at Daxon Dentistry in St. Petersburg, Florida. Sciandra is passionate about dentistry, and her commitment to her patients' dental health and overall well-being goes far beyond cleaning teeth. "Identifying signs of occlusal instability or ‘signs of stress' is the biggest reason our patients return for care on a regular basis," says Kimberley Daxon, DDS. "At every recall visit, Joanne's patients are checked for tooth mobility, pocket depth changes, increases in recession, wear, cracks, and bite changes. Through exceptional verbal skills, she helps patients to understand the implications of these signs and what happens if they are left untreated." Sciandra's ability to get her patients back into the chair for diagnosis and treatment is key in the maintenance of their teeth. Daxon says, "Our patients know that their visits with Joanne are much more than just a cleaning. Joanne's love for people, and her high level of integrity, parallels her intense passion for dentistry."
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