Expanding Options
Inside Dental Hygiene offers essential insights on preventive care, patient education, and the latest hygiene techniques, with articles, videos, and expert guidance.
By necessity, more of our personal and professional lives have shifted into the digital realm. That change, already in motion by choice, gained momentum this past year. As a result, many professional options have expanded. Dental hygienists have more educational and career opportunities, no longer limited by location. This month's issue of Inside Dental Hygiene reflects on the changes oral healthcare is about to experience.
Our cover story examines two main avenues for dental hygiene careers: private practice and dental service organizations. Both settings offer many benefits, allowing hygienists to explore more work and personal goals to design a professional life that goes beyond the traditional.
One area in which dental hygiene care can make a significant impact is in the growing dental implant market. This issue's continuing education article takes a close look at how dental hygiene practice plays a key role in implant success. The authors detail how the dental team can take a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to implant therapy that prevents complications and ensures success. Hygienists' knowledgeable contributions in maintenance and prevention are invaluable.
Want to learn more about implant therapy? Every month, Inside Dental Hygiene offers diversified virtual education, through webinars, eBooks, and other resources developed by leaders in oral health. Content is frequently uploaded at our online portal, idh.cdeworld.com. By subscribing to the newsletter, you won't miss an announcement about a topic you've been wanting to explore. For example, upcoming programs this spring from IDH Editorial Advisory Board members focus on dental hygiene trends and periodontal treatment, including updated research and technology to help you deliver evidence-based care.
The publishers of Inside Dental Hygiene are thankful for your continuing support. Please feel free to reach out to us, through our social media platforms or website, and let us know what you would like to see in this publication or on our portal.
Editorial Advisory Board
Maria L. Geisinger, DDS
Edie Gibson, RDH, MS
Sherri Lukes, RDH,
Joy D. Void-Holmes, RDH, BSDH, DHSC