Maximizing Protection with a Bioactive Sealant
1. Premier Dental’s new bioactive resin pit and fissure sealant, featuring SmartCap Technology, provides relentless protection, outstanding adhesion, and extended fluoride release. SmartCap Technology, developed in partnership with Creighton University, utilizes patented semi-permeable resin microcapsules. In BioCoat, the rechargeable SmartCap microcapsules are filled with ionic solutions of fluoride, calcium, and phosphate, which diffuse in and out of the sealant. BioCoat is a 56% filled resin formula that provides added strength and excellent long-term resistance to wear, with a compressive strength comparable to flowable composites. The resin formula is very resistant to oral solubility, a problem glass-ionomer and resin-filled-glass-ionomer sealants cannot overcome.
I have been a dental hygienist for 22 years, and in addition to working in private practice, I run a nonprofit, school-based oral health program called Future Smiles of Northern Nevada. With support from donations and grants, I bring portable dental equipment to schools and perform preventive dental hygiene services at no charge for children ages 4-18. Given these challenging conditions, I am always looking for materials that are easy to use, so I was excited to try BioCoat Bioactive Resin Pit & Fissure Sealant from Premier Dental Products. I found that the product is not only easy to use but also has several qualities that no other sealant has had previously.
What is the effect of the extended release of the ions? With this factor, we know we can strengthen the enamel and prevent demineralization.
How does its bioactive SmartCap Technology help? It provides extended bioactive protection and greater fluoride uptake.
Why is BioCoat’s bubble- free application beneficial? The flowability is very nice and very thin. I have never once seen a bubble with it.